Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What makes kids get abused

Why do you think your own blood(mom, dad, uncle, and aunt, sister, and brother) would abuse you???? Is it because you did something wrong?? Or because you won't stop crying??? Or even because your dumb?? What do you think??? You should think its wrong no matter what the kid/child did! No child or kid no matter how old should NOT get abused.... NO person should ever get abused... Even if they aren't kids. Old people should get abused.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Until the 1900s, much of what is now thought to be child abuse was not considered illegal or even immoral. Children as young as five and six years old regularly worked long hours in factories or mines, performing dangerous tasks. Society and government seek both to protect children from abuse and to defend the rights of the family. Weighing those two goals and determining which is more important in a particular situation poses a serious challenge.